Location: Xiangyang, China
Size: +/-20 hectare
Client: OCT
Completion Date: competition
Architecture: Aedas
Located in the west of downtown of Xiangyang Fancheng district, OCT Amuze Park presents a unique opportunity to create connections between the theme parks, pedestrian retail street, hotel and surrounding neighborhood. An entertainment plaza is defined by an elevated promenade ring. Plaza features with dry fountain, carousel, café, jumping playground, playful train, mini golf for daily use. When dry fountain is off, the plaza will host different events including theme parade. Other half of the park features of 15-meter high climbing mountain, rainbow bridge, loop of skating ribbon, wave deck and jumping play.
Next to the park is a pedestrian retail street. Various stairs, escalators, walkways, bridges provide generous access to all retail stores. Feature restaurant is arranged in an isolated islands with lake view for exclusive experience. A bay is created for water access and kayaking.
The idea for OCT Amaze Park not just provides a place to play and relax for visitors of all ages but self-sustained mode to generate revenue to cover maintenance cost. Once built, the park will the welcoming image for new theme parks and the anchor point of activities.
奇妙公园位于襄阳主城区西部,提供了一个独特的机会,为新开发的主题乐园建立场地的第一印象,同时连结周遭的社区、商业街、酒店、主题乐园。 中心的娱乐广场,包含许多日常运营的活动内容,广场由一个环状的空中步道定义,步道结合台阶形成户外剧场。旱喷水景、旋转木马、咖啡厅、小火车、跳跳山、迷你高尔夫,将为访客提供多样的娱乐选择。水景关闭时,广场将成为可容纳不同大小的活动场地。奇妙公园的另一侧是一个更适合体能挑战的娱乐空间,15米高的攀爬山、彩虹桥以及旱冰场提供一个特殊的体验空间。